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specific dangers based on geography of the project (environment, political stability, neighborhood safety, etc.)

Staff knowledge: Specific knowledge found in limited number of staff that is critical to the project or service; exposure to unplanned staff departure risk that will adversely affect the client

Resource availability: Availability when needed of the proper internal delivery resources and professional staff

Client Risks

Personnel changes: Critical client project sponsors leaving, being demoted, promoted, or having their responsibilities change

Financial trouble: Client running into financial difficulties or bankruptcy, resulting in project or service contract cancellation and exposure on existing sunk costs and receivables

Gaming: Dishonest clients attempting to procure additional services for free or dispute service quality or delivery in order to receive unwarranted fee reductions

Scope changes: Changes in scope of project, affecting ability to complete the project, project budget, or client interest in completing project

Mergers and acquisitions: Client acquisition or merger with another company, resulting in project or service contract cancellation, renegotiation, or elimination

Project or service cancellation: Change in client priorities or budget, resulting in elimination of the project or service contract

Receivable prioritization: Client in financial difficulties prioritizing receivables, resulting in nonessential service providers exposure to bad debt

Client concentration: High reliance on a single client or small number of clients for revenues, margin, and staff billability

Industry concentration: High reliance on clients in a specific industry or related industries for revenues, margin, and staff billability

External Risks

Natural disasters: Hurricanes, floods, earthquake, fire, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, and other natural catastrophic events

Political unrest: Political demonstrations, unrest, or instability resulting in danger to physical safety, client, or project viability

Terrorism/war: War or terrorist acts that threaten staff physical safety, client, or project viability

Currency conversion: Changes in currency exchange rates that adversely affect receivables

Legislation: Legislative changes that adversely affect the project by eliminating its rationale or changing client priorities

Risk Management Methodology

Exhibit 14.4 shows a methodology for the risk management process in a professional services firm. The first step in generating a risk management program is to (within reason) identify the possible undesirable outcomes. The categories and risks mentioned in the previous section form a good starter set, but each type of firm must determine its specific needs. Doctors and lawyers must be concerned with malpractice, real estate agents with interest rates, and technology consultants with IT budgets.

After the possible risks have been identified and inventoried, the firm must determine the expected value of each risk-simply the likelihood of occurrence (probability) and the cost of a bad outcome. This is the most difficult step and the step most open to interpretation.

Probabilities of events are notoriously difficult to estimate, as are costs of outcomes. In fact, research shows that low-probability events are even more difficult to estimate. Studies conducted by researchers at the Wharton Schools Risk Management and Decision Process Center at the University of Pennsylvania demonstrated that individuals have the best chance of estimating expected value when a variety of low-probability events are aggregated to generate a probability (e.g., estimate the probability that there will be

Identify possible undesirable outcomes

Quantify expected value

Determine mitigation and management


Repeat and revisit

Internal risks

External risks

Controllable risks

Uncontrollable risks

Likelihood of occurrence (probability)

Cost of bad outcome

Prioritize risks based on expected value

Sanity check binary risks

Change behavior

Change decision process

Insure against risk

Institute policy/ process


Combination of approaches

Revisit periodically as assumptions change

Continual identification of new undesirable outcomes

Exhibit 14.4 Risk Management Process Methodology

either an earthquake, flood, or hurricane versus estimating the likelihood of each event individually).6

Studies by Kunreuther, Novemsky, and Kahneman also indicate that individuals are more effective when assessing possible outcomes relative to low-probability events they are familiar with (e.g. estimate the risk of a chemical plant accident versus the risk of having a traffic accident ).7 Making matters worse, similar studies found that decision makers regarding low-probability, high impact events tended to either over-insure, assuming that recurrence of a low-probability event was inevitable, or ignore the event entirely, thinking that cant happen to me. 8

Once the expected value has been determined, the risks can be prioritized for management. In some cases, the probability will be very low, but the cost very high (e.g., Pascals Wager ). In these cases, a common-sense approach to prioritization and mitigation should prevail.

The mitigation for a given risk will likely be a combination of actions, policies, or decisions as opposed to a single approach. Some of the typical options are changing behavior ( no more sodas in the server room ), changing decision processes ( lets implement better screening for new employee hires ), instituting policies or processes ( two signatures required on every check over $10,000 ), training ( all staff will attend client management skills seminars ), or other business changes.

Improving Risk Management

As mentioned previously in the chapter, the importance of good decision making in the risk management process cannot be overstated. A step that professional services firms can take to improve decision making is training and decision audits. Sales teams should focus training and development on mitigating client and project risk. Delivery teams should focus on project risk, internal resources on project and internal risk, and senior management on client, project, internal, and external risk. Good decision-making habits should be made part of the firm culture, and reading the basic literature in the field of decision science should be part of the basic training for all firm professionals.

Good decision making can be enhanced by implementing postmortem reviews for key business events: the conclusion of a large project, the acquisition (or loss) of a key client, the completion of a good (or bad) quarter. Significant events represent a chance to review what went well and what should change going forward, as well as understand better what went right (and determining if it was dumb luck or deserved success ). In our own business consulting practice, after each major client engagement is completed, a full post-mortem analysis is required of the delivery team. The learnings from that postmortem are used to drive changes in all parts of the

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