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This one-time assessment tool will give you the insight you need to help your professionals meet their mark. A number of qualified consultants distribute the SPQ tool, and I encourage you to bring one in. After the initial assessment, dont hesitate to give your people personal coaches if you believe they have the potential-and the heart and attitude-to be successful.

Quarterly Review. The quarterly review is essential to developing your people and ensuring that they are properly supported and given the tools to perform at the top of their game. At FTI, we use an MBO performance development tool. This quarterly review based on revenue and skills and examines two critical areas: (1) actual revenue and sales activity versus quota and (2) progress in achieving set development objectives or an evaluation of competencies in relation to identified skill and knowledge areas. Within the performance evaluation, manager and peer feedback is included.

Like any performance-based evaluation tool, the quarterly review is used as a coaching tool not only to assess areas that need improvement and potentially further training, but also to determine when a sales professional is ready to achieve more and take on more responsibility. Remember, superstar sales professionals are aggressive; if they are not continually challenged and provided with growth opportunities, they will seek out a more challenging position with another firm. The quarterly review should not be viewed as simply a report. It is a powerful interaction between you and your team. It provides insight into where each salesperson is performing in the key categories for success and enables you to remove obstacles, provide resources, make mid-course corrections, and celebrate success.


Two definitions of tracking are: (1) to search by following evidence until found and (2) to observe or plot the moving path of something. These definitions apply to sales tracking, as sales tracking does provide evidence of what is happening in the sales process and helps a manager to forecast and plot. However, too often, tracking becomes synonymous with monitoring. If you institute activity-measuring tools because Im tracking you, its useless. Tracking should be used to improve performance-to leave people better than you found them. It is this philosophy that leads me to include tracking in this Building and Managing section. Tracking serves many purposes:

Enforces accountability: Encourages ownership and responsibility.

Helps professionals analyze the game : Provides insight into the sales process. Just like a baseball pitcher analyzes his game and the game of his batter, tracking gives sales professionals stats to measure their progress objectively and relative to others.

Motivates: Brings another level of competition to the sales organization and the entire firm.

Forecasts and provides utilization data: Helps practice leaders to manage staff and provides insight into the sales organizations performance. Justifies existence of sales organization.

Coaches: Enables managers to identify key areas for growth so they can help sales professionals get to the next level.

There are two types of tracking:

1. Coaching: Sales activity presented in weekly, monthly, and quarterly meetings between the sales professional and the sales manager; it focuses on improvement.

2. Public tracking: Sales activity presented in a weekly and monthly report card format to the entire firm and sales organization; it informs, motivates, and inspires competition.

Tracking, if set up and managed appropriately, can help sales professionals to analyze their game. If youve developed a sales organization with a culture in which tracking and coaching are intertwined, your sales professionals will want to use a tracking tool and will be hungry for their weekly, monthly, and quarterly reviews. Remember, tracking is about improving performance, and your job, as a manager, is to repeatedly ask, How can I help you improve? Three key tracking tools are instrumental to successful coaching and are useful to any firm.

Tracking Tool 1: Activity-Based Sales Model. The activity-based sales model helps the sales professional and the manager track the sales process and, more importantly, identify what things in this process are within the sales professionals control, and thus are able to be improved, and what things are outside their direct control. Exhibit 4.4 is an example of the activity-based modeling tool used at FTI, Inc.

This activity-based sales modeling tool enables sales professionals and managers to evaluate their performance metrics on a regular basis. Examine this model, looking at each metric, the detail surrounding this metric, and, most importantly, whether this metric is within the span of human control; that is, can the sales professional impact this metric significantly?

To gain the full benefit of this activity-based sales model, it is essential that you incorporate this analysis into regular progress meetings with sales professionals. Using the model as an analytical tool, a manager can act as a coach and help sales professionals to analyze their individual game. Two example cases illustrate the combined coaching power of the activity-based sales model and the sales manager.




































Note: This activity-based sales model was created in Microsoft Excel, and the data is populated by a CRM tool. If you dont have a CRM system, a simple Excel spreadsheet will work fine. If you do have a CRM or contact management system, work with your IT department to synchronize the two databases.

Exhibit 4.4 Tracking Tool for Activity-Based Sales Model

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