Промышленный лизинг Промышленный лизинг  Методички 

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decisions is no longer available. On the other hand, it does not work well for customers who were not around during the original solicitation; so some sort of neutral weighting must be applied to them.

Considering whether the original customers responded to the solicitation can extend this function further, resulting in a solicitation metric like:

dsolicitation(A, B) = 0, when A and B both responded to the solicitation

dsolicitation(A, B) = 0.1, when A and B were both chosen but neither responded

dsolicitation(A, B) = 0.2, when neither A nor B was chosen, but both were available in the data

dsolicitation(A, B) = 0.3, when A and B were both chosen, but only one responded

dsolicitation(A, B) = 0.3, when one or both were not considered

dsolicitation(A, B) = 1.0, when one was chosen and the other was not

Of course, the particular values are not sacrosanct; they are only meant as a guide for measuring similarity and showing how previous information and response histories can be incorporated into a distance function.

The Combination Function: Asking the Neighbors for the Answer

The distance function is used to determine which records comprise the neighborhood. This section presents different ways to combine data gathered from those neighbors to make a prediction. At the beginning of this chapter, we estimated the median rent in the town of Tuxedo, by taking an average of the median rents in similar towns. In that example, averaging was the combination function. This section explores other methods of canvassing the neighborhood.

The Basic Approach: Democracy

One common combination function is for the k nearest neighbors to vote on an answer- democracy in data mining. When MBR is used for classification, each neighbor casts its vote for its own class. The proportion of votes for each class is an estimate of the probability that the new record belongs to the corresponding class. When the task is to assign a single class, it is simply the one with the most votes. When there are only two categories, an odd number of neighbors should be poled to avoid ties. As a rule of thumb, use c+1 neighbors when there are c categories to ensure that at least one class has a plurality.

In Table 8.12, the five test cases seen earlier have been augmented with a flag that signals whether the customer has become inactive.

For this example, three of the customers have become inactive and two have not, an almost balanced training set. For illustrative purposes, lets try to determine if the new record is active or inactive by using different values of k for two distance functions, deuclid and dnorm (Table 8.13).

The question marks indicate that no prediction has been made due to a tie among the neighbors. Notice that different values of k do affect the classification. This suggests using the percentage of neighbors in agreement to provide the level of confidence in the prediction (Table 8.14).

Table 8.12 Customers with Attrition History

















Table 8.13 Using MBR to Determine if the New Customer Will Become Inactive



K = 1

K = 2

K = 3

K = 4

K = 5




dEuclid 4,1,5,2,3 Y,N,N,Y,Y yes ? no ? yes

Table 8.14 Attrition Prediction with Confidence

K = 1

K = 2

K = 3

K = 4

K = 5


yes, 100%

yes, 100%

yes, 67%

yes, 75%

yes, 60%


yes, 100%

yes, 50%

no, 67%

yes, 50%

yes, 60%

The confidence level works just as well when there are more than two categories. However, with more categories, there is a greater chance that no single category will have a majority vote. One of the key assumptions about MBR (and data mining in general) is that the training set provides sufficient information for predictive purposes. If the neighborhoods of new cases consistently produce no obvious choice of classification, then the data simply may not contain the necessary information and the choice of dimensions and possibly of the training set needs to be reevaluated. By measuring the effectiveness of MBR on the test set, you can determine whether the training set has a sufficient number of examples.

WARNINGmBR is only as good as the training set it uses. To measure whether the training set is effective, measure the results of its predictions on the test set using two, three, and four neighbors. If the results are inconclusive or inaccurate, then the training set is not large enough or the dimensions and distance metrics chosen are not appropriate.

Weighted Voting

Weighted voting is similar to voting in the previous section except that the neighbors are not all created equal-more like shareholder democracy than one-person, one-vote. The size of the vote is inversely proportional to the distance from the new record, so closer neighbors have stronger votes than neighbors farther away do. To prevent problems when the distance might be 0, it is common to add 1 to the distance before taking the inverse. Adding 1 also makes all the votes between 0 and 1.

Table 8.15 applies weighted voting to the previous example. The yes, customer will become inactive vote is the first; the no, this is a good customer vote is second.

Weighted voting has introduced enough variation to prevent ties. The confidence level can now be calculated as the ratio of winning votes to total votes (Table 8.16).

Table 8.15 Attrition Prediction with Weighted Voting

K = 1

K = 2

K = 3

K = 4

K = 5


0.749 to 0

1.441 to 0


2.085 to

2.085 to

to 0.647




0.669 to 0

0.669 to

0.669 to

1.157 to

1.601 to





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