Промышленный лизинг Промышленный лизинг  Методички 

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Simon, who is distance 2 away, gave that movie a rating of -1. Amelia, who is distance 4 away, gave that movie a rating of -4. No one elses profile is close enough to Nathaniels to be included in the vote. Because Amelia is twice as far away as Simon, her vote counts only half as much as his. The estimate for Nathaniels rating is weighted by the distance:

(/2 (-1) + /4 (-4)) / (/2 +/4)= -1.5/0.75= -2.

A good collaborative filtering system gives its users a chance to comment on the predictions and adjust the profile accordingly. In this example, if Nathaniel rents the video of Planet of the Apes despite the prediction that he will not like it, he can then enter an actual rating of his own. If it turns out that he really likes the movie and gives it a rating of 4, his new profile will be in a slightly different neighborhood and Simons and Amelias opinions will count less for Nathaniels next recommendation.

Lessons Learned

Memory based reasoning is a powerful data mining technique that can be used to solve a wide variety of data mining problems involving classification or estimation. Unlike other data mining techniques that use a training set of pre-classified data to create a model and then discard the training set, for MBR, the training set essentially is the model.

Choosing the right training set is perhaps the most important step in MBR. The training set needs to include sufficient numbers of examples all possible classifications. This may mean enriching it by including a disproportionate number of instances for rare classifications in order to create a balanced training set with roughly the same number of instances for all categories. A training set that includes only instances of bad customers will predict that all customers are bad. In general, the size of the training set should have at least thousands, if not hundreds of thousands or millions, of examples.

MBR is a fc-nearest neighbors approach. Determining which neighbors are near requires a distance function. There are many approaches to measuring the distance between two records. The careful choice of an appropriate distance function is a critical step in using MBR. The chapter introduced an approach to creating an overall distance function by building a distance function for each field and normalizing it. The normalized field distances can then be combined in a Euclidean fashion or summed to produce a Manhattan distance.

When the Euclidean method is used, a large difference in any one field is enough to cause two records to be considered far apart. The Manhattan method is more forgiving-a large difference on one field can more easily be offset by close values on other fields. A validation set can be used to pick the best distance function for a given model set by applying all candidates to see which

produces better results. Sometimes, the right choice of neighbors depends on modifying the distance function to favor some fields over others. This is easily accomplished by incorporating weights into the distance function.

The next question is the number of neighbors to choose. Once again, investigating different numbers of neighbors using the validation set can help determine the optimal number. There is no right number of neighbors. The number depends on the distribution of the data and is highly dependent on the problem being solved.

The basic combination function, weighted voting, does a good job for categorical data, using weights inversely proportional to distance. The analogous operation for estimating numeric values is a weighted average.

One good application for memory based reasoning is making recommendations. Collaborative filtering is an approach to making recommendations that works by grouping people with similar tastes together using a distance function that can compare two lists user-supplied ratings. Recommendations for a new person are calculated using a weighted average of the ratings of his or her nearest neighbors.

Market Basket Analysis and Association Rules

To convey the fundamental ideas of market basket analysis, start with the image of the shopping cart in Figure 9.1 filled with various products purchased by someone on a quick trip to the supermarket. This basket contains an assortment of products-orange juice, bananas, soft drink, window cleaner, and detergent. One basket tells us about what one customer purchased at one time. A complete list of purchases made by all customers provides much more information; it describes the most important part of a retailing business-what merchandise customers are buying and when.

Each customer purchases a different set of products, in different quantities, at different times. Market basket analysis uses the information about what customers purchase to provide insight into who they are and why they make certain purchases. Market basket analysis provides insight into the merchandise by telling us which products tend to be purchased together and which are most amenable to promotion. This information is actionable: it can suggest new store layouts; it can determine which products to put on special; it can indicate when to issue coupons, and so on. When this data can be tied to individual customers through a loyalty card or Web site registration, it becomes even more valuable.

The data mining technique most closely allied with market basket analysis is the automatic generation of association rules. Association rules represent patterns in the data without a specified target. As such, they are an example of undirected data mining. Whether the patterns make sense is left to human interpretation.

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