Промышленный лизинг Промышленный лизинг  Методички 

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cheaper, it is still very time-consuming to calculate the counts for this number of combinations. Calculating the counts for five or more items is prohibitively expensive. The use of product hierarchies reduces the number of items to a manageable size.

The number of transactions is also very large. In the course of a year, a decent-size chain of supermarkets will generate tens or hundreds of millions of transactions. Each of these transactions consists of one or more items, often several dozen at a time. So, determining if a particular combination of items is present in a particular transaction may require a bit of effort-multiplied a million-fold for all the transactions.

Extending the Ideas

The basic ideas of association rules can be applied to different areas, such as comparing different stores and making some enhancements to the definition of the rules. These are discussed in this section.

Using Association Rules to Compare Stores

Market basket analysis is commonly used to make comparisons between locations within a single chain. The rule about toilet bowl cleaner sales in hardware stores is an example where sales at new stores are compared to sales at existing stores. Different stores exhibit different selling patterns for many reasons: regional trends, the effectiveness of management, dissimilar advertising, and varying demographic patterns in the catchment area, for example. Air conditioners and fans are often purchased during heat waves, but heat waves affect only a limited region. Within smaller areas, demographics of the catchment area can have a large impact; we would expect stores in wealthy areas to exhibit different sales patterns from those in poorer neighborhoods. These are examples where market basket analysis can help to describe the differences and serve as an example of using market basket analysis for directed data mining.

How can association rules be used to make these comparisons? The first step is augmenting the transactions with virtual items that specify which group, such as an existing location or a new location, that the transaction comes from. Virtual items help describe the transaction, although the virtual item is not a product or service. For instance, a sale at an existing hardware store might include the following products:

A hammer

A box of nails

Extra-fine sandpaper

HIJ Adding virtual transactions in to the market basket data makes it possible to find rules that include store characteristics and customer characteristics.

After augmenting the data to specify where it came from, the transaction looks like:

a hammer,

a box of nails,

extra fine sandpaper,

at existing hardware store.

To compare sales at store openings versus existing stores, the process is:

1. Gather data for a specific period (such as 2 weeks) from store openings. Augment each of the transactions in this data with a virtual item saying that the transaction is from a store opening.

2. Gather about the same amount of data from existing stores. Here you might use a sample across all existing stores, or you might take all the data from stores in comparable locations. Augment the transactions in this data with a virtual item saying that the transaction is from an existing store.

3. Apply market basket analysis to find association rules in each set.

4. Pay particular attention to association rules containing the virtual items.

Because association rules are undirected data mining, the rules act as starting points for further hypothesis testing. Why does one pattern exist at existing stores and another at new stores? The rule about toilet bowl cleaners and store openings, for instance, suggests looking more closely at toilet bowl cleaner sales in existing stores at different times during the year.

Using this technique, market basket analysis can be used for many other types of comparisons:

Sales during promotions versus sales at other times

Sales in various geographic areas, by county, standard statistical metropolitan area (SSMA), direct marketing area (DMA), or country

Urban versus suburban sales

Seasonal differences in sales patterns

Adding virtual items to each basket of goods enables the standard association rule techniques to make these comparisons.

Dissociation Rules

A dissociation rule is similar to an association rule except that it can have the connector and not in the condition in addition to and. A typical dissociation rule looks like:

if A and not B, then C.

Dissociation rules can be generated by a simple adaptation of the basic market basket analysis algorithm. The adaptation is to introduce a new set of items that are the inverses of each of the original items. Then, modify each transaction so it includes an inverse item if, and only if, it does not contain the original item. For example, Table 9.8 shows the transformation of a few transactions. The -before the item denotes the inverse item.

There are three downsides to including these new items. First, the total number of items used in the analysis doubles. Since the amount of computation grows exponentially with the number of items, doubling the number of items seriously degrades performance. Second, the size of a typical transaction grows because it now includes inverted items. The third issue is that the frequency of the inverse items tends to be much larger than the frequency of the original items. So, minimum support constraints tend to produce rules in which all items are inverted, such as:

if NOT A and NOT B then NOT C.

These rules are less likely to be actionable.

Sometimes it is useful to invert only the most frequent items in the set used for analysis. This is particularly valuable when the frequency of some of the original items is close to 50 percent, so the frequencies of their inverses are also close to 50 percent.

Table 9.8 Transformation of Transactions to Generate Dissociation Rules





{A, B, C}

{A, B, C}

{A, -B, -C}

{A, C}

{A, -B, C}

{A, -B, -C}

{-A, -B, -C}

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