Промышленный лизинг Промышленный лизинг  Методички 

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10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0

---------- -



Figure 17.10 This histogram suggests that something unusual was happening with this stop code. The top diagram is the raw data; in the bottom one, the values are standardized.


Looking at variables over time is one example of a cross-tabulation. In general, cross-tabulations show how frequently two variables occur with respect to each other. Figure 17.11 shows a cross-tabulation between two variables, channel and credit card payment. The size of the bubble shows the proportion of customers starting in the channel with that payment method. This is the same data shown in Table 17.2.

Cross-tabulations without time show static images rather than trends. This is useful, but trend information is usually even more useful.

Table 17.2 Cross Tabulation of Channels by Payment Method









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Credit Card

Direct Bill

Figure 17.11 Cross-tabulations show relationships between variables.

Deriving Variables

There have been many examples of derived variables in this chapter and throughout this book. Such variables are predigested, making it easier for data mining algorithms to incorporate them into models. Perhaps more important, derived variables make it possible to incorporate domain knowledge into the data mining process. Put the domain information into the data so that the data mining algorithms can use it to find patterns.

Because adding variables is central to any successful data mining project, it is worth looking at the six basic ways that derived variables are calculated in a bit of detail. These six methods are:

Extracting features from a single value

Combining values within a record (used, among other things, for capturing trends)

Looking up auxiliary information in another table

Pivoting time-dependent data into multiple columns

Summarizing transactional records

Summarizing fields across the model set

The following sections discuss these methods, giving examples of derived variables and highlighting important points about computing them.

Extracting Features from a Single Value

Computationally, parsing values is a very simple operation because all the data needed is present in a single value. Even though it is so simple, it is quite useful, as these examples show:

Calculating the day of the week from a date

Extracting the credit card issuer code from a credit card number

Taking the SCF (first three digits) of a zip code

Determining the vehicle manufacturer code from the VIN

Adding a flag when a field is missing

These operations generally require rudimentary operations that data mining tools should be able to handle. Unfortunately, many statistical tools focus more on numeric data types than on the strings, dates, and times often encountered in business data-so string operations and date arithmetic can be difficult. In such cases, these variables may need to be added during a preprocessing phase or as data is extracted from data sources.

Combining Values within a Record

As with the extraction of features from a single value, combining values within a record is computationally simple-instead of using one variable, there are several variables. Most data mining tools support adding derived variables that combine values from several fields, particularly for numeric fields. This can be very useful, for adding ratios, sums, averages, and so on. Such derived values are often more useful for modeling purposes than the raw data because these variables start to capture underlying customer behavior. Date fields are often combined. Taking the difference of two dates to calculate duration is an especially common and useful example.

It is not usually necessary to combine string fields, unless the fields are somehow related. For instance, it might be useful to combine a credit card payment flag with a credit card type, so there is one field representing the payment type.

Looking Up Auxiliary Information

Looking up auxiliary information is a more complicated process than the previous two calculations. A lookup is an example of joining two tables together (to use relational database terminology), with the simplifying assumption that one table is big and the other table is relatively small.

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