Промышленный лизинг Промышленный лизинг  Методички 

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SQL does not have great support for pivoting data (although some databases may have nonstandard extensions with this capability). However, when using standard SQL it is possible to pivot data.

Assume that the data consists of billing records and that each has a sequential billing number assigned to it. The first billing record has a 1, the second 2, and so on. The following SQL fragment shows how to pivot this data:

SELECT customer id,

FROM billing

GROUP BY customer id

One problem with this fragment is that different customers have different numbers of billing periods. However, the query can only take a fixed number. When a customer has fewer billing periods than the query wants, then the later periods are filled with NULLs.

Actually, this code fragment is not generally what is needed for customer signatures because the signature wants the most recent billing periods-such as the last 12 or 24. For customers who are active, this is the most recent period. However, for customers who have stopped, this requires considering their stop date instead. The following code fragment takes this into account: SELECT customer id,

sum(case when trunc(months between(bill date, cutoff) = 1

then bill amt else 0 end) as bill 1, sum(case when trunc(months between(bill date, cutoff) = 2 then bill amt else 0 end) as bill 2,

FROM billing b,

(select customer id,

(case when status = ACTIVE then sysdate else stop date end) as cutoff from customer) c where b.customer id = c.customer id GROUP BY customer id

This code fragment does use some extensions to SQL for the date calculations (these are expressed as Oracle functions in this example). However, most databases have similar functions.

The above code is an example of a killer query, because it is joining a big table (the customer table) with an even bigger table (the customer billing table) and then doing a grouping operation. Fortunately, modern databases can take advantage of multiple processors and multiple disks to perform this query in a reasonable amount of time.

sum(case when

sum(case when

sum(case when

bill seq = 1 then bill amt end) as bill 1, bill seq = 2 then bill amt end) as bill 2, bill seq = 3 then bill amt end) as bill 3,

Summarizing Transactional Records

Transactional records are an example of an irregular time series-that is, the records can occur at any point in time. Such records are generated by customer interactions, as is the case with:

Automated teller machine transactions

Telephone calls

Web site visits

Retail purchases

There are several challenges when working with irregular time series. First, the transaction volumes are very, very large. Working with such voluminous data requires sophisticated tools and powerful computers. Second, there is no standard way of working with them. The regular time series data has a natural way of pivoting. For irregular time series, it is necessary to determine how best to summarize the data.

One way is to transform the irregular time series into regular time series and then to pivot the series. For instance, calculate the number of calls per month or the amount withdrawn from ATMs each month, and then pivot the sums by month. When working with transactions, these calculations can be more complex, such as the number of calls longer than 10 minutes or the number of withdrawals less than $50. These specialized summaries can be quite useful. More complicated examples that describe customer behavior are provided just after the next section.

Another approach is to define a set of data transformations that are run on the transactional data as it is being collected. This is an approach taken in the telecommunications industry, where the volume of data is vast. Some variables may be as simple as minutes of use, others may be a complex as a score for whether the calling number is a business or residence. This approach hard-codes the calculations, and such calculations are hard to change. Although such variables can be useful, a more flexible environment for summarizing transactional data is strategically more useful.

Summarizing Fields across the Model Set

The last method for deriving variables is summarizing values across fields in the customer signature itself. There are several examples of such fields:

Binning values into equal sized bins requires calculating the breakpoints for the bins.

Standardizing a value (subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation) requires calculating the mean and standard deviation for the field and then doing the calculation.

Ranking a value (so the smallest value has a value of 1, the second smallest 2, and so on) requires sorting all the values to get the ranking.

Although these are complicated operations, they are performed directly on the model set. Data mining tools provide support for these operations, especially for binning numeric values, which is the most important of the three.

One type of binning that would be very useful is not readily available. This is binning for codes based on frequency. That is, it would be useful to keep all codes that have at least, say, 1,000 instances in the model set and to place all other codes in a single other category. This is useful for working with outliers, such as the many old and unpopular handsets that show up in mobile telephone data although few customers use them. One way to handle this is to identify the handsets to keep and to add a new field handset for analysis that keeps these handsets and places the rest into an other category. A more automated way is to create a lookup table to map the handsets. However, perhaps a better way is to replace the handset ID itself with information such as the date the handset was released, its weight, and the features it uses-information that is probably available in a lookup table already.

Examples of Behavior-Based Variables

The real power of derived variables comes from the ability to summarize customer behaviors along known dimensions. This section builds on the ideas already presented and gives three examples of useful behavior-based variables.

Frequency of Purchase

Once upon a time, catalogers devised a clever method for characterizing customer behavior using three dimensions-recency, frequency, and monetary value. RFM, which relies on these three variables, has been used at least since the 1970s. Of these three descriptions of customer behavior, recency is usually the most predictive, but frequency is the most interesting. Recency simply means the length of time since a customer made a purchase. Monetary value is traditionally the total amount purchased (although we have found the average purchase value more useful since the total is highly correlated with frequency).

In traditional RFM analysis, frequency is just the number of purchases. However, a simple count does not do a good job of characterizing customer behavior. There are other approaches to determining frequency, and these can be applied to other areas not related to catalog purchasing-frequency of complaints, frequency of making international telephone calls, and so on. The important point is that customers may perform an action at irregular intervals, and we want to characterize this behavior pattern because it provides potentially useful information about customers.

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