Промышленный лизинг Промышленный лизинг  Методички 

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and so on. However, it is not uncommon for customers who have stopped voluntarily to not pay their last bill. In this data source, the actual stop code was simply overwritten. The longer ago that a customer stopped, greater the chance that the original stop reason was subsequently overwritten when the company determines-at a later time-that a balance is owed. The problem here is that one field is being used for two different things-the stop reason and nonpayment information. This is an example of poor data modeling that comes back to bite the analysts.

A problem that arises when using data warehouses involves the distinction between the initial loads and subsequent incremental loads. Often, the initial load is not as rich in information, so there are gaps going back in time. For instance, the start date may be correct, but there is no product or billing plan for that date. Every source of data has its peculiarities; the best advice is to get to know the data and ask lots of questions.

Computational Issues

Creating useful customer signatures requires considerable computational power. Fortunately, computers are up to the task. The question is more which system to use. There are several possibilities for doing the transformation work:

Source system, typically in databases of some sort (either operational or decision support)

Data extraction tools (used for populating data warehouses and data marts)

Special-purpose code (such as SAS, SPSS, S-Plus, Perl)

Data mining tools

Each of these has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Source Systems

Source systems are usually relational databases or mainframe systems. Often, these systems are highly restricted, because they have many users. Such source systems are not viable platforms for performing data transformations. Instead, data is dumped (usually as flat files) from these systems and manipulated elsewhere.

In other cases, the databases may be available for ad hoc query use. Such queries are useful for generating customer signatures because of the power of relational databases. In particular, databases make it possible to:

Extract features from individual fields, even when these fields are dates and strings

Combine multiple fields using arithmetic operations

Look up values in reference tables

Summarize transactional data

Relational databases are not particularly good at pivoting fields, although as shown earlier in this chapter, they can be used for that as well.

On the downside, expressing transformations in SQL can be cumbersome, to say the least, requiring considerable SQL expertise. The queries may extend for hundreds of lines, filled with subqueries, joins, and aggregations. Such queries are not particularly readable, except by whoever constructed them. These queries are also killer queries, although databases are becoming increasingly powerful and able to handle them. On the plus side, databases do take advantage of parallel hardware, a big advantage for transforming data.

Extraction Tools

Extraction tools (often called ETL tools for extract-transform-load) are generally used for loading data warehouses and data marts. In most companies, business users do not have ready access to these tools, and most of their functionality can be found in other tools. Extraction tools are generally on the expensive side because they are intended for large data warehousing projects.

In Mastering Data Mining (Wiley, 1999), we discuss a case study using a suite of tools from Ab Initio, Inc., a company that specializes in parallel data transformation software. This case study illustrates the power of such software when working on very large volumes of data, something to consider in an environment where such software might be available.

Special-Purpose Code

Coding is the tried-and-true way of implementing data transformations. The choice of tool is really based on what the programmer is most familiar with and what tools are available. For the transformations needed for a customer signature, the main statistical tools all have sufficient functionality.

One downside of using special-purpose code is that it adds an extra layer to the data transformation process. Data must still be extracted from source systems (one possible source of error) and then passed through code (another source of error). It is a good idea to write code that is well documented and reusable.

Data Mining Tools

Increasingly, data mining tools have the ability to transform data within the tool. Most tools have the ability to extract features from fields and to combine multiple fields in a row, although the support for non-numeric data types

varies from tool to tool and release to release. Some tools also support sum-marizations within the customer signature, such as binning variables (where the binning breakpoints are determined first by looking at the entire set of data) and standardization.

However, data mining tools are generally weak on looking up values and doing aggregations. For this reason, the customer signature is almost always created elsewhere and then loaded into the tool. Tools from leading vendors allow the embedding of programming code inside the tool and access to databases using SQL. Using these features is a good idea because such features reduce the number of things to keep track of when transforming data.

Lessons Learned

Data is the gasoline that powers data mining. The goal of data preparation is to provide a clean fuel, so the analytic engines work as efficiently as possible. For most algorithms, the best input takes the form of customer signatures, a single row of data with fields describing various aspects of the customer. Many of these fields are input fields, a few are targets used for predictive modeling.

Unfortunately, customer signatures are not the way data is found in available systems-and for good reason, since the signatures change over time. In fact, they are constantly being built and rebuilt, with newer data and newer ideas on what constitutes useful information.

Source fields come in several different varieties, such as numbers, strings, and dates. However, the most useful values are usually those that are added in. Creating derived values may be as simple as taking the sum of two fields. Or, they may require much more sophisticated calculations on very large amounts of data. This is particularly true when trying to capture customer behavior over time, because time series, whether regular or irregular, must be summarized for the signature.

Data also suffers (and causes us to suffer along with it) from problems- missing values, incorrect values, and values from different sources that disagree. Once such problems are identified, it is possible to work around them. The biggest problems are the unknown ones-data that looks correct but is wrong for some reason.

Many data mining efforts have to use data that is less than perfect. As with old cars that spew blue smoke but still manage to chug along the street, these efforts produce results that are good enough. Like the vagabonds in Samuel Becketts play Waiting for Godot, we can choose to wait until perfection arrives. That is the path to doing nothing; the better choice is to plow ahead, to learn, and to make incremental progress.

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