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1 Jack Anderson, Washington Post, October 25, 1969, p.Fll; Washington Post, April 14,1998

2 Los Angeles Times, August 1,1998

3 Covert Action Quarterly (Washington, DC), #63, Winter 1998, p. 29

4 U.S. Chemical and Biological Warfare-Related Dual Use Exports to Iraq and their Possible Impact on the Health Consequences of the Persian Gulf War, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs with Respect to Export Administration, reports of May 25,1994 and October 7,1994

5 Amy E. Smithson, Rudderless: The Chemical Weapons Convention at 1 1/2 , published September 1998 by the Henry L. Stimson Center (Washington, DC), as part of their Chemical and Biological Weapons Nonproliferation Project; an Executive Summary of the report can be read

at: http: www.stimson.org/pubs/cwc/execsum.htm


1 Imperialism and Social Classes, (1955, first published in 1919), p.51

2 America and the World Revolution and Other Lectures (Oxford University Press, New York,

1962), p.92-3

3 Alfred W. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade (Lawrence Hill Books, NY, 1991), p.54-63; Sallie Pisani, The CIA and the Marshall Plan (University Press of Kansas, 1991), p.99-105 and elsewhere

4 New York Times, May 5, 1947, p.l; May 11, IV, p.5; May 14, p.14 and 24; May 17, p.8; May 18, IV, p.4; May 20, p.2; Howard K. Smith, The State of Europe (London, 1950), p. 151 (includes Ramadier quote; similar quote in New York Times, May 20)

5 The Guardian (London), November 29,1983

6 Washington Post, September 30, 1999, p.l; October 14, p.14; December 29,p.l9

7 Stewart Steven, Operation Splinter Factor (London 1974), passim. For those familiar with the story, it will be of interest that I have found a document in the National Archives which reveals that the State Department knew about Noel Fields imprisonment in Hungary for almost the entire five years it was publicly claiming it had no knowledge of his fate.

8 Operation Gladio: The Observer (London), June 7, 1992; Washington Post, November 14, 1990, p. 19; Die Welt (Germany), November 14, 1990, p.7; Los Angeles Times, November 15, 1990, p.6; Philip Willan, Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy (London, 1991), chapter 8

9 Washington Post, November 14, 1999, for some aspects of the situation at that time; also see Amnesty International Annual Report for Guatemala 1997, 1998,1999 on AIs website

10 New York Times, April 29,1959, p.l

11 See John Gerassi, The Coming of the New International (New York, 1971), p.245-56, for an overview of the situation, including a long self-criticism by the Iraqi Communist Party.

12 Claudia Wright, New Statesman magazine (London), July 15, 1983, p.20. She doesnt say how the Soviets found out about the plan.

13 Los Angeles Times, April 14,1991, p.Ml

14 Le Monde (France), February 5,1963, p.5

15 State Department statement: Christian Science Monitor, February 13, 1963, P-3

16 The Guardian (London), January 1,1994, p.5

17 Ralph McGehee, Deadly Deceits: My 25 years in the CIA (New York, 1983), passim. McGehee spent much of his CIA career in Thailand; The Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars, The Indochina Story (Random House, NY, 1970), p.64-69; New York Times, November 27, 1966, p.4; Washington Post, November 20,1966, p.22; December 7,1966

18 Washington Post, August 23,1966

19 Bush quote: Washington Post, May 21,1997, column by Nora Boustany

20 Washington Post, January 23, 2000

21 Based on a Dave Barry line

22 CIA internal memorandum of February 25, 1966, declassified March 7, 1977, received by author as a result of an FOIA request.

23 Cable News Network en Espanol, July 23, 1998; El Diario-La Prensa (New York) July 24,1998; Clarin (Buenos Aires) July 22,1998, p.45

24 Numbers of victims: New York Times, January 3, 2000

25 FBI: New York Times, February 10, 1999, p.6; Kissinger: US government document declassified in 1999, The Observer (London), February 28, 1999, p.3

26 New York Times, July 23 1986, p.l; Baltimore Sun, November 12, 1995, p.1D; Covert Action Information Bulletin (Washington, DC), #12, April 1981, p.24-27; William Minter, Apartheids Contras (London, 1994), chapter 6 and passim. See also Mandela and United Nations chapters herein.

27 Staff Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence, US House of Representatives, 1975, the Pike Report . This report can be read in book form: CIA-The Pike Report (Spokesman Books, Nottingham, England, 1977), p.56,195-8,211-17

28 Washington Post, October 9, 1974, p.36; New York Times, September 25, 1975, p.l; Evans and Novak in Washington Post, October 26, 1974, p.19 (NATO information); Facts on File, March 1, 1975, p.131 (NATO exercises). Also see the Elections chapter under Portugal.

29 For a detailed history of the East Timor question, 1975-78, see Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman, The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism, Volume 1 (Boston, 1979), p.129-204

30 Daniel Moynihan with Suzanne Weaver, A Dangerous Place (Boston, 1978),p.247

31 Allan Nairn, US Complicity in Timor , The Nation, September 27, 1999, p.5-6; U.S. trained butchers of Timor , The Observer (London), Deptember 19,1999

32 New York Times, October 31, 1995, p.3. The official was described as someone who deals often with Asia policy. He apparently was referring to Suharto in terms of economic policy, but to make such a remark about a man with the blood of a million or more people on his hands does take a special kind of insensitivity.

33 See Elections chapter, Jamaica

34 Holly Sklar, Washingtons War on Nicaragua (South End Press, Boston, 1988), see Honduras in index; Philip Wheaton, Inside Honduras: Regional Counter-insurgency Base (Ecumenical Program in Central America and the Caribbean [EPICA], Washington, DC, 1982), passim

35 New York Times, May 25,1988, p.8

36 See Elections chapter under Nicaragua

37 Dianna Melrose, Nicaragua: The Threat of a Good Example? (Oxfam, Oxford, UK, 1985), p.14

38 San Francisco Examiner, March 22,1987, p.l

39 New York Times, December 2,1989, p.l

40 Los Angeles Times, September 28,1991

41 Sunday Tribune (Durban, South Africa), November 29,1981, p.l and 52

42 Bob Woodward, VEIL: The Secret Wars of the CIA 1981-1987 (New York, 1987), p.78-9,124-5, 215; New York Times, April 8,1982, p.3

43 Fred Halliday, Russians help to beat leftwing guerrillas , The Guardian (London), May 3,1984, p.7; New York Times, March 19,1980, p.l

44 New York Times, May 23,1980, p.l

45 The Milwaukee Journal, August 12,1980, based on the observations of three American Peace Corps workers in South Korea. Two of the three wrote an article on the events in Korea for Covert Action Information Bulletin (Washington, DC), #11, December 1980, p.9-15

46 State Department quote: The Milwaukee Journal, op. cit. For an overall discussion of the US relationship to South Korea and the 1980 uprising, see Tim Shorrock, Debacle in Kwangju , The Nation, December 9, 1996, p. 19-22; Washington Post, March 5, 1996, p.5; Bill Mesler, Korea and the US: Partners in Repression , Covert Action Quarterly (Washington, DC), #56, Spring

1996, p.53-57

47 New York Times, February 2,1981, p.8, February 3, p.6

48 Woodward, p.96-7, 157-58, 215; Jonathan Bearman, Qadhafis Libya (Zed Books, London, 1986), p.216-225

49 New York Times, February 11, 2000, p.30, editorial

50 Speech at the Pacific Islands Luncheon, Kahala Hilton Hotel, Hawaii, February 10, 1982, cited in a September 1989 paper, Possible Foreign Involvement in the Fiji Military Coup , p.2, by Owen Wilkes, editor of Peacelink and Wellington Pacific Report, both of New Zealand.

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