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The Sequential Model is not a new sales gimmick or another slick technique to trick the customer. Each step of the model, when learned and applied, endows you with the capacity to advance to the next step. It is a proven, field-tested sales strategy endorsed by real-world authorities: my customers.

Of the thousands of sales books available, most focus on limited aspects of selling. Though you can purchase books about specific subject areas such as handling objections, negotiating skills, prospecting, probing skills, closing the sale, and a host of other sales-related topics, very few books present sales as a complete process, from start to finish. I am not suggesting that other sales books are of no value-some are very good. In fact, I periodically refer to other books that I encourage you to read and add to your personal library.

Throughout this book, every aspect of the sales process is discussed in detail, including effective sales negotiation and time management skills. Consider this all-encompassing book as your personal reference, a resource to reinforce existing skills and introduce new skills. As a successful sales professional, you must continually search for any intellectual advantage available. Simply put: to earn more, learn more.

Maximize Your Investment: Six Guidelines

To maximize the concepts of the Sequential Model of Professional Selling, I offer these six guidelines:

1. Read the entire book. This is the only way to fully understand the Sequential Model concept. As you progress through the book, ask yourself how you can apply and link each step of the model to your particular sales arena. This book has been written for all sales professionals, regardless of experience. It presents a strategy that can be used by any salesperson to sell anything to any customer.

In 2000, less than 15% of North Americans bought a self-development book, and less than 10% of those actually read it. Shocking! My guess is that most people who buy a selfhelp book experience some degree of spiritual or career cleansing. People take satisfaction from the fact they bought it, proudly displaying it on their desk. Their intentions are noble but seldom fulfilled.

You, of course, are different. Thats why this book is in your hands. By the way, congratulations on your investment.

2. Keep the best, toss the rest. Now just a minute, dont toss this book yet. What I mean is that not all the suggestions and strategies within the Sequential Model will apply to your sales arena. The Sequential Model offers a smorgasbord of ideas and suggestions. Fill your plate with what is appropriate for you. Every industry is unique, so I suggest you examine each step closely and then determine whether to apply it. If you discover just three or four new ideas that enhance your sales confidence, then the investment is worth it. My theory is that we improve and grow one idea at a time.

3. It may not be your way, but its a smart way. The Sequential Model will challenge your thinking and encourage you to reevaluate your current sales approach. Change is difficult. You may need to abandon old habits and embrace new behaviors. Dont be too quick to defend your existing inventory of sales skills. I appreciate that its difficult to surrender cherished techniques without protest. However, I invite you to reexamine all aspects of your sales habits. My purpose is to stimulate the thinking process, not as an event, but as an ongoing, continuous learning curve. As professionals, we often have to unlearn as much as we learn.

Have you ever stopped to notice how adept our customers are at changing? They jump at the chance for bigger, better, faster, cheaper, and so on. They dont seem to have a problem with it. Whats our problem?

I suggest the corporate arena is the catalyst for much of the change we experience. Businesses continually drive change. I am not suggesting a wholesale change to your existing sales strategies, but Im sure some of your skills could be enhanced or even replaced with smarter skills. Hard work is not nearly as rewarding as smart work. Sell smarter, not harder.

4. The chapters can be used as individual references. Although each chapter represents an integral part of the Sequential Model, each can be read as a stand-alone resource. You may find it helpful to refer to one specific chapter and refocus on that

particular aspect of selling.

5. This is not only a book, it is also a resource. Refer to it often-make it part of your personal development library. Mark it up, highlight relevant sections. It is amazing how quickly we experience intellectual evaporation. Unless new information is reviewed and applied regularly, we revert back to the easy way, our old habits. The goal of training is practice, not competency. Share this little gem with your manager: noone becomes competent by attending one seminar or taking one lesson. Learning is a sequential process, not an event. Selling is like a sport. To become adept at golf, tennis, or any other sport, we must practice, practice, and practice. Only practice makes permanent. There is no other way (if you discover a better way, call me collect).

6. Make it yours. Take ownership of the skills you discover in the Sequential Model. Have fun. Simple is fun.

Equity means ownership. You can have financial equity but you also require personal equity in terms of professional, up-to-date selling skills. By reading and applying the strategies in this book, you enhance your intellectual equity and your confidence to sell.

As you work through the book, your enthusiasm for sales will be re-energized. What other profession is financially rewarding, guarantees you a job for life, and gives you the flexibility to establish your own hours? Outside of sports, it is rumored that selling is the highest-paid profession in North America.

We can all relate to his frustrations and mishaps as he pursues his sales career and works very hard to please his customers.

Meet My Good Friend Bernie

People appreciate good humor and there is no question as to its powerful effect on adult education. Humor is the gateway to learning. I like to think of it as the lubricant of learning. With that in mind, I introduce you to Bernie, a rather hapless, sorry-looking chap who will join us throughout the book. Bernie will help us see the humorous side of a profession that can be fraught with highs and lows as we deal with uncertainty and/or stress in a world of rejection.

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